2.0.0 Update - New Art

It was not planned but I like that I reached what's now the "2.0" version of this demo with this exact update.

It took me about a week of thinking, trying, getting some feedback, modifying.
And I wasn't sure I would end up with something that was worth it.
I can be very critical with what I make, and I'm especially insecure about whatever is visuals related.

BUT, I think it was worth it.

New Cards Art

And I'd like to write a few words about it.
The previous art wasn't bad per se, and it's not like I wasn't putting effort in it.
But it suffered from the fact that I started making it when the game was in its infancy, and when the overall look wasn't decided yet.
There was a big mismatch between the game itself and the cards, both for resolution, colors, and quality for some of them.

So I decided it was time to spend some time to decide on an actual style for the cards too.

I went for full pixel art with them too, and I couldn't be happier.
I first worked on the outer part of every card type.
Then for each type, I decided on some abstract decorations that go behind the art, that become more intricate with the card's rarity.
So, a common card looks plain in both colors and with simpler art, while a legendary has a lot more going on.

Overall it took me a while to decide everything. I'm very bad when it comes to colors, and my wife was very helpful with that.

But once I had all the templates done, making the art for the cards was actually easier than I thought (still took me 4 days because I had to redraw 108 cards lol).

And now that I have a style and templates, making new cards in the future should be less painful.

Together with the new art I decided I'd find a better fitting font

I'm pretty happy with that too.
Changing font forced me to play with it a little, and I managed to make a prettier thing in general. You'll see some visual differences in the tooltips too, and statuses in the cards' descriptions are now highlighted in another color.

A few more things:

  • For now, I removed the pad controls. I'm having a lot of trouble implementing them, and every small change I make to the game breaks 10 things. I'll get back to it later.
  • Changed 2Bits, a specific status for the true final boss, to "Stack Overflow". It's a status meant to make it less prone to dying to easily during an overpowered run, but in its previous version it would make it tedious (and also made some very annoying interactions with some blessings). Now it should be still strong, while being less annoying and more fun.

I'll now need to make YET AGAIN a new trailer, then I really need to start working on marketing.

Thanks to everyone reading, playing and supporting the game.
I'm having a lot of fun making it, and I think I have something good in the works.
I really hope the project will get some traction, so that I can finally move to full production. I'm dying to add more content :D


Novus Orbis 101 MB
Oct 26, 2023

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