2.0.2 Update - Various Small Visual Changes

I've skipped one update here on Itch, so I'll recap the last and this one:

Not much juice to this update.
I had a few days off development (probably the longest since I've started) because of a short anniversary trip on the weekend, followed by a few days of a bad cold.
I'm also trying to regain some better development-life balance, so I decided I would work on the game only in the mornings, no nights anymore.

Anyway, following some advice I've been trying to make the game more readable.
I think that, while I love the style I'm going for, it can be confusing at first sight, especially when it's from a still screenshot.

So, I've changed and moved some UI elements to clean everything up, I desaturated all the backgrounds, and changed the "aura" all enemies had. It was honestly kinda half assed before, now it's a consistent black shadow behind them, that shouldn't be too oppressive to the overall feel, but should further increase the contrast between backgrounds and the enemies (and player character).

Sadly I've lost some colorfulness, but I think now the game looks cleaner and easier to see.

Player character now has three different attack animations that cycle. Not the best, but considering I'll probably remake the character from scratch anyway, this will be enough for now.


Novus Orbis 102 MB
Nov 11, 2023

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